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TopManhua - zinmanga - manhuaplus - Manhua - Manga - Asura - Asuratoon - I Randomly Have A New Career Every Week
我每周随机一个新职业; Aku Secara Acak Mempunyai Pekerjaan Baru Setiap Minggu; 摊牌了,我全职业系统!; Tanpaile, Wo Quan Zhiye Xitong!; I Get an All-Career Experience System; Wǒ Měi Zhōu Suíjī Yīgè Xīn Zhíyè; Wo Mei Zhou Suiji Yige Xin Zhiye; Ta Mỗi Tuần Có Một Chức Nghiệp; Mỗi Tuần Ta Có Một Nghề Nghiệp Mới
After being fired from his company, Lin Yi accidentally gets the All-Pro Experience System. Lin Yi relies on the various career arrangements and generous rewards given by the system to achieve his ambition and path to wealth step by step, becoming the ultimate all-powerful big brother who dominates the world.